I give you my EXACT tools, processes and strategies I've used to grow my Agency! Everything from A - Z!

An empowerment program specifically designed for social media managers who have been struggling to grow their businesses and want to know exactly how to build out a business that consistency brings in 100k year after year.

I have owned an operated a multiple 6 figure agency for over 10 years and it has created a life I only dreamed of... and now I pay it forward by mentoring other social media managers who are looking to scale their business without having to work more!


6 Weeks of Private 90 minute Zoom Mentorship & Training 💻

Our Entire Backend 📑 :

Standing Operating Procedures: Sales Process, Onboarding, Pricing, Template Packages & Client Contracts 🤯

Our EXACT Book A Call Funnel - handed over to you to personalize as your own 🚀

Our exact Plug n Play Lead Generation System - free for 60 days 🤯

You are a Social Media Manager who:

✔️ Is committed to growth and ready to be empowered

✔️ Wants "tried and true" agency processes to "uplevel" your freelance business to $100 k per year

✔️ Wants to be mentored by someone who has already done what you want to do and teach you HOW

✔️ Your sick of being on an island by yourself trying to figure this all out alone!

✔️ Needs someone who knows your industry inside and out because they've built their own successful agency

✔️ Is ready to level up and assess whether or not to grow a team

✔️ Knows you need solid industry proven systems to scale your business

✔️ Needs a proper funnel for booking calls into your calendar

✔️ Has a solid offering or service and a live professional website

✔️ Has a proven track record of success with your offerings and can speak to that

✔️ Is ready to level up to 'agency status' and make over 100k a year (consistently!)

✔️ Values processes and systems that support business operations

✔️ Wants to refine your "capture, nurture and close" process

✔️ Wants to choose their ideal clients

Our Clients Have been seen In...

You've Tried It This Way.... 😫

Each month you spend hours and hours working in your freelance business

You're using basic scheduling software to schedule discovery calls

You've tried every tactic you can think of to grow on your own that haven't worked


You have NO CLUE if what you do ...or how you do it ... is "right"!

You're still not making as much $$ as you'd like

Your not sure where to focus your energy to scale the business

You've never worked with someone who has actually done what you are trying to do

You don't have contracts in place for clients (or your not sure if it covers the right things)

You know you need help to grow but aren't sure what portions you can realistically outsource

You're not getting enough qualified leads through your website...

You're not sure if your pricing is right...

You don't have a lead tracking system to ensure you follow up and end up leaving money on the table...

There IS A

Better Way 🤩

I M A G I N E ...

Working with a mentor who completely GETS your business and provide you with real time guidance (even with difficult client problems)!

We've been doing this for 10 years and we've seen it all honestly!

Knowing you have a full docket of clients for the next six months because now you have a stellar contract in place with all your clients!

Yes we will give you ours!

Having a library of standard operating procedures ready to implement into your business that have been in place with a successful six figure agency!

Yes we give you all our SOPs! Even give our our sales scripts!

Knowing exactly what steps to take next in your business to grow your business to 6 figures years consistently!

A customized solution that grows your business the way YOU want to!

Implementing a lead generation process that books discovery calls automatically booking into your calendar while you sleep...

We give you our exact Book a Call Funnel!

An automated process that prequalifies your leads so you don't waste your precious time on free discovery calls with people who can't afford you...

An automated meeting reminder system to decrease no shows and increase retention rates...

A lead tracking system so no lead gets missed!

🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯

As a social media manager, it's nearly impossible to scale your business to make more money without building out solid systems and processes.

One of the first and most important systems you can put into place is to automate your lead generation!

It goes without saying that you NEED to automate your systems so you can maximize your time spent in your zone of genius.

Your Process Should Look Like this:




When you have the proper systems in place, leads are able to be booked, prequalified and reminded


🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯

If you can work with someone who has done all of this ahead of you and can TEACH YOU EVERYTHING is




6 Weeks of Private 1-1 Mentorship

✔️ 90 minute Zoom calls with the CEO

✔️ Recorded and saved for re-watching

✔️ Next steps clearly laid out for you

✔️ Optional Voxer Support in between calls to maximize your growth during our time

✔️ Customized support to build the business YOU want to build


All Our Agency's

Standard Operating Procedures

✔️ Onboarding / Offboarding workflow

✔️ Hiring a new team member

✔️ Our Client Contract

✔️ Our exact Sales Scripts & Process

✔️ Prebuilt Social Media Packages w/ pricing

✔️ Financial Planning Document (cashflow, margins etc)


A Plug n' Play - 4 STEP

'Book A Call' Funnel

✔️ Landing Page Template (Tested & "Cracked")

✔️ Pre - Qualification Form (Samples Provided)

✔️ Calendar Booking Page

✔️ Confirmation Page

✔️ Pre-built Automated Text & Email Confirmations


60 days FREE Funnel &

Lead Generation Software

✔️ Email Marketing

✔️ Two Way Text Messaging

✔️ Funnel & Website Builder

✔️ Calendar Management

✔️ Surveys & Forms

✔️ CRM & Pipeline Management

✔️ Social Media Scheduling

✔️ Reputation Management (Google & Facebook)


Built In Automations - Set Up For You

(So that you don't have to do ANYTHING

- just show up on the Free Discovery Call!)

✔️ Email & Text Appointment Confirmations

✔️ Automated Lead Tracking (CRM System)

✔️ Automated Text & Email Appointment Reminders reducing no shows

✔️ Automated Text & Email Follow Up Sequence for all no shows

We've invested over 10 years

on developing our knowledge and systems! 🤯

✔️ We grew our Agency from the inside out and documented everything!

✔️ We want to hand over all of our processes and systems so you have everything you need to run a proper social media agency!

✔️ We want to support the successful launch of your agency by providing customized mentorship!


Life happens and sometimes you buy into something that wasn’t quite what you thought or didn’t help you in the way you anticipated!

But the only way to know that is if you take the plunge right?

If we start working together and after the first session you don't feel we're a fit, we will refund your investment 100%

Louis Le Butterfield - Social Media Mentorship Client


I own and operate a values driven Digital Marketing Agency, Kelly Bateson Media and myself and my team are passionate about supporting heart centered and purpose driven businesses grow and scale online.

My team and I have been developing custom digital marketing strategies for over 20 years combined.


Kelly Bateson Media builds custom digital marketing strategies that capture leads, increase targeted conversions ultimately increasing revenue for heart centered businesses.

Check us out to see more about what brand I have built and if you'd like me to help you do the same!

how to become a social media manager, how do I grow my social media business

"I've worked with Kelly in multiple capacities—firstly as a team member, and then in a coaching capacity as a Freelancer / Agency Owner.

I can't speak highly enough of Kelly's professionalism, and how willing she is to share what she has worked through with her business over the years.

She truly cares for each of her clients, and has a wealth of knowledge in creating reliable, streamlined processes, so she can deliver a high quality service. So grateful.”

Camille Mendoza, Craft & Being

Before working with Kelly, we had virtually no clue about how to run a social media marketing agency.

Kelly is an amazing coach, down-to-earth and incredibly helpful. She provided all of her standard operating procedures, scripts for calls, sample proposals and so much more.

Honestly, her coaching was the most valuable investment we made for our business when first starting out.

If you're looking for a coach to help you start a digital marketing agency OR a highly talented digital marketing agency to handle your online presence, I ABSOLUTELY recommend Kelly Bateson Media. They are 100% professional and high-quality.

Louis Butterfield, Awesome Business Videos

"Before I started coaching with Kelly Bateson, I had no clue how to manage my social media management relationships with my clients or understand business from a higher level strategy. Boundaries did not exist, and I felt helpless.

After coaching with Kelly Bateson, I feel confident and clear on how to manage client relationships and make those important decisions that will help move the needle forward.

If you’re wondering about making this investment for your business, I highly recommend it!”

Jenna Sipponen, Socials with Jenna

© Kelly Bateson Media 2024